Business Intelligence

Build Powerful Learning Cultures
Powered by “Get Abstract,” Questellence clients have access to over 25,000+ audio and text summaries of business-relevant books, podcasts, articles and videos. By far, the most comprehensive library of compressed knowledge.
Build a Learning Culture That Drives Business Forward in Leadership, Personal Finance, Management, Mental and Emotional Strength Along With Many Other Topics.
Demonstrate and show your desire to invest in each employee’s personal journey of knowledge and success. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing your employees grow and mature and the personal growth they feel is priceless (and you get the credit). Building a stronger business by building smarter employees is one of the best investments any business owner can make and the investment is returned many times over.
Business Owner Solutions
Recommendations are many but perhaps business owners should make sure they read “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz. A game-changing roadmap for any business owner to enhance profitability and success.

Individual Solutions
Employees at every level can thrive in their personal and professional life as they develop their skills in finance, leadership, and communication along with many other areas of personal and business growth.
Team Solutions
Ideal for small teams as team members take charge of their own learning and development.
Corporate Solutions
Ideal learning and development solution for companies of any size. Support your learning strategy, build a powerful morning culture and develop your leaders, 15 minutes at a time.